Thursday, September 9, 2010

That's what it's all about....

I was never good at keeping diaries or journals, so let's hope this goes better.
My goals for this blog: to give someone a chuckle (even if it's just myself); to be a bright spot in someone's day (I know, I know, I already am); to point out things you may or may not have noticed that may or may not make you laugh, have a full out snit fit, join in my anger, or feel the need to say "right on, sister". Most of my posts will be cranky, irritable, hopefully humorous, and sometimes all out enraged rants. Oh, I will also talk inevitably about cute stuff. If you don't like it, I won't be offended. If you do like it, carry on reading and tell your friends.

People tell me daily "oh, you're so funny". Here's the thing....I think it's more that funny or odd things happen to me OR maybe I just take more notice when these things happen, than the average joe (or jane in this case). When something ridiculous happens or I am feeling particularly feisty about a specific subject, I'll post about it. I won't use profanity (well not much) and I will make an extra effort to not use any other terrible four letter words such as work (<shiver> ugh, let's never speak of it again). All names will be changed (albeit creatively) to protect the innocent (or more likely not so innocent when it comes to my angry-eyes rants). It is my strong feeling that if you don't experience anger, you aren't paying attention. That being said, anger will get you no where if you don't vent it out or take some kind of action (keepin' it legal, people).

Anyway...I could go on forever (silence! friends and family members who know this is true). Let's get started, shall we?

Heeeeeeeeere weeee goooooooooo!

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