Monday, September 27, 2010

Things that make you go hmmmm........

Let me just preface my question by saying that I am a member of the not-so-svelte club and therefore am allowed to say whatever I want about fat people. What I'm wondering is....why do really overweight people buy really small cars? There seems to be an overwhelming number of big people in teensy tiny cars cruising around. What makes a large marge decide to purchase a subcompact vehicle and squish into it every day? Is it because they spend all their money on food? I don't think so because empty carbs and sugar are pretty affordable. I just don't get it. Comfort is important! I won't even rent a car that small!

Oh, and while we're at it big girls....could you please stop making the rest of us look bad!? I try to put some effort into selecting clothes that actually fit and conceal some of the parts of my body I'd rather not share with the world. Why you feel the need to walk around in short shorts, bra-less tank tops, and sweats that say "juicy" across the ass, I'll never understand.

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